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Hello, my name Is Lily Pringle. I am a Year 12 student at Thirsk School and Sixth form college and I’m studying Media for my A-levels. My blogs will include my interests, the school magazine and any course work I think is important. I aim for my blogs to be educational but also a way of showing my opinion in what I like.

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Analysing a music magazine.

  • The main image shows how powerful Sam Smith is and it could foreshadow what the rest of the magazine is going to be about. This will entice the reader if they know about Sam Smith or if they were a fan of him because they would be immediately drawn to the magazine. It might also make them want to read it because they might feel that if one celebrity is in it then there might be more.
  • He is looking directly into the camera which can entice the reader further into reading the magazine or it could make the individual feel uncomfortable. this would decrease marketing and prevent people from buying it so to make this better he isn't directly facing the camera so that he doesn't look too psychotic. 
  • Because Sam Smith is in the main image of the magazine it promotes him as an artist and as a person which could inspire more people to produce their own music and follow his example. 
  • The coverlines and masthead overlap the main image, which shows how even though the main image is important, the masthead and coverlines are more important. this reflects onto the rest of the magazine could be better than the main image, this could also convince the readers to buy it and properly look through it. 
  • The masthead stands out compared to the rest of the rest of the coverlines which suggests that the masthead is the most important and should be read first. If the reader does read it first, then they are more likely to enjoy the magazine and understand it better. 
  • The clothes he is wearing take the focus onto the titles instead of him because the of how much of them blend into the background. This suggests that the contents of the magazine are more important than the front cover and therefore would make the reader want to buy it and read more of it instead of just looking at the front cover. 
  • On this magazine the barcode is visible which implies that it was meant to be published and that it is up to a professional standard. This shows the reader that the magazine is as high quality as it is, this can include photos, text and modelling, which will encourage the reader to buy it because it shows how the magazine is up to standard with the media and technology. 
  • The logo of the magazine is shown at the top of the front cover in bold which shows who it was made by and where it comes from. This could be to stop people from copying them like fraud, and it could also be to intimidate other brands which might push them out of the market and promote the magazine further. 
  • The background is very mysterious which could infer to the reader that the rest of the magazine is also going to be a mystery to the reader. It shows that the front cover isn't going to give any information away about the rest of the magazine, this invites the reader in by making them want to know more which makes them read it. 
  • This magazine doesn't have a plug which is something that could invite the reader more and it also could have made the reader more excited about buying the magazine. However, this magazine genre doesn't seem like the type to have a plug about the lottery and things like that so if it did have one then it wouldn't really fit in, if this was the case then it could put off any customers because it wouldn't fit in.
  • The fonts on this magazine aren't very fancy which suggests that the magazine is sophisticated enough without needing to overdo it. If the fonts are too fancy, it can make the magazine look like the creators try too hard and that can put people off from buying it. 
Hello, my name Is Lily Pringle. I am a Year 12 student at Thirsk School and Sixth form collage and I’m studying Media for my A-levels. My blogs will include my interests, the school magazine and any course work I think is important. I aim for my blogs to be educational but also a way of showing my opinion in what I like.
