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Hello, my name Is Lily Pringle. I am a Year 12 student at Thirsk School and Sixth form college and I’m studying Media for my A-levels. My blogs will include my interests, the school magazine and any course work I think is important. I aim for my blogs to be educational but also a way of showing my opinion in what I like.

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Analysing an album cover.

  • The logo is in the bottom corner and is eye-catching because it stands out from the rest of the photo because it is different. This implies that the band have power because they can afford to advertise themselves more.
  • The two people walking faces are blurred out which gives a sense of unimportance and mystery. This can reflect on the rest of the album because there could be more mystery in the songs. 
  • On the side of the path, the streetlights are turned on even though its broad daylight in the photo. This might make the audience confused about what the contents of the album will be. It would also encourage the audience to listen to it because they would want to find out more and cure their curiosity. 
  • At the top of the page, the title is a rhetorical question which can leave the audience with more questions. This might encourage them to listen to the songs and the album so that they can find out answers and maybe discover more questions. 
  • The album photo seems to be taken on an old camera to make it seem out dated. It was also taken in 1994 which shows that it is outdated compared to magazines in the modern day. This shows the audience that music doesn't have to be modern to be good. 
  • The title of the album is brighter than the actual sky which can draw attention to the title and the album. It can also make the audience want to see the songs and find the song that corresponds to the title, it could also make them research more about other of their albums. 
  • The main photo pattern is white which can symbolise purity. This can show that the band see themselves as pure and God like, which can show the audience they put all of their work into the songs because they see themselves as royalty and pure.
  • One of the men that are walking has black hair and black trousers, which makes the setting more dark and sinister. This could foreshadow the songs and the deeper meaning behind them. 
  • There are no people walking around them or next to them, which could imply that something is off about the album or  the songs. This could intrigue the audience and make them feel both uneasy and confused. It might also encourage the audience to look into the band and why their album has a dark under tone. 
  • In the back on one of the buildings there is a red door on one of the shops. This could be an easter egg giving the audience an incite on what some of the songs could be about. The colour red is a symbol of anger and war, so having the only placed red door suggests some of the songs might have a darker meaning to them. 
  • Both men are walking on the same British street, you can tell because the band is British and the street is also set out how a British street would be set out. This can make the audience feel better about listening to music from their own country because oasis are showing how they are proud of where they come from and that they are successful in their own country.
  • Most of the buildings are brick and coloured brown, except for a few. Some are white which can stand out to the audience because they seem unreal and unexpected. This can foreshadow how some of the songs can be unexpected too. 
  • There is no date on this album cover to say when it was released or produced which could show the audience that it doesn't matter how old the music they listen to is, if they enjoy it they should keep listening to it. 
  • Two men are walking on the road instead of on the path which suggests that the band are quite daring with what they produce and so their song might be daring with what they are about too.
  • In the background there is a massive tower like a sky scraper. The band could have chosen to take the photo with it in the back ground because it shows the people looking at the album that it doesn't matter if things stick out (meaning them) and it also could be a symbol to dream big dreams instead of holding everything back. 
  • One of the people in the photo is walking away from the camera and another is walking towards the camera. This could represent the argument that Noel and Liam Gallagher has that cause Noel to leave. This is shown by the person walking away from the camera and into the back ground. The person walking towards the camera could represent the people the came after Noel and eventually left the band in 2009. This picture foreshadows the end of oasis even though it was the second album made. 
Hello, my name Is Lily Pringle. I am a Year 12 student at Thirsk School and Sixth form collage and I’m studying Media for my A-levels. My blogs will include my interests, the school magazine and any course work I think is important. I aim for my blogs to be educational but also a way of showing my opinion in what I like.
