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Hello, my name Is Lily Pringle. I am a Year 12 student at Thirsk School and Sixth form college and I’m studying Media for my A-levels. My blogs will include my interests, the school magazine and any course work I think is important. I aim for my blogs to be educational but also a way of showing my opinion in what I like.

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The Risk Assessment For My Music Magazine

 The risk assessment for my photos:

It is important that I get permission from the people who I'm going to be taking pictures of in case they don't want pictures of them to be taken or if they uncomfortable with the idea or the outfits or anything that will happen. I also have to make sure that in the background of my photos there aren't any people who don't want to be in the background or that don't want their photo taken because they could report me or it can make them uncomfortable. If I do accidentally capture someone in the background of one of my photos then I should edit them out or I should blur their faces out because then they will be unrecognisable which means people won't be able to tell its them. I should keep checking if the people I'm taking photos of are comfortable even if I am half way through a photo. This is to make sure that nothing makes them uncomfortable or makes them not want to do it. 

Unoffensive and Non-discriminatory:
In day to day life it is important that people use non offensive language and non-discriminatory language but while making this magazine it is even more important not to do them things. This is because a lot of people are going to see it and they could get offended easily. For example; If I stereotyped the colours the models were wearing, like pink for girls and blue for boys then it could offend some people because anyone can wear anything. To avoid this I should be inclusive to everyone by making sure that everyone gets the same opportunities and that everyone is treated the same to ensure that no one feels left out or discriminated against. Another example of something I need to be wary of in case I offend anyone is language while using fonts and texts. This is because there are many words that can be used for slang that a lot of people may find offensive. If I did offend anyone the it would decrease my profit rate and also set up a reputation for me being offensive. It would also prevent people from working with me in the future even if I didn't mean to be offensive. 

It is also important that nothing will potentially harm me or any of the people I am working with. This could be by them nocking over a chair or by something falling on them which can injure them and also ruin the work that I am producing. To make sure that nothing like this happens, I can make sure nothing is in the way of the models, for example chairs, sticks or anything they could be hurt buy if we are outside or inside. Another thing I can do is make sure that they wont be able to hurt themselves accidentally by allergies or intolerances. One of the models could be allergic to makeup which means they could be hurt by something before they even step outside or start filming. To avoid this I should ask before anything is applied or put on them in case they are allergic or have reactions. This can also happen from pollen which is in any flowers because the individual might be allergic. This means that I need to check with all of the people I am working with because they could have hay fever or a reaction in general. 

Another thing I have to do is make sure I don't accidentally include anyone's names or identity's if the individual doesn't want their name or identity disclosed. I can do this by asking them if they want any credit for the magazine. If they do I will ask if they want their name put in the magazine and if they don't I will leave them out of it because that is what they want. It is important that I don't disclose any of their information onto their magazine, if they don't want it to be because it means people might use it for the wrong reasons which could put the individual in danger and it might also be against their will if they didn't want any of their personal information disclosed in the first place. 
Hello, my name Is Lily Pringle. I am a Year 12 student at Thirsk School and Sixth form collage and I’m studying Media for my A-levels. My blogs will include my interests, the school magazine and any course work I think is important. I aim for my blogs to be educational but also a way of showing my opinion in what I like.
