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Hello, my name Is Lily Pringle. I am a Year 12 student at Thirsk School and Sixth form college and I’m studying Media for my A-levels. My blogs will include my interests, the school magazine and any course work I think is important. I aim for my blogs to be educational but also a way of showing my opinion in what I like.

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Analysing a Music Record

The First side:
- The image is in black and white which can show that there is beauty in all their music and it shows that they know that their music is successful even if there is no colour. 
- The photo taken is a low angle which makes the people in the photo look powerful and overpowering. However to stop them from looking too powerful the castle is put in place so they can remind themselves and the audience that the know they are not the most powerful in the world and that they are not too full of themselves.
- The fonts at the top is in bold and is an immediate eye catcher which suggests that they want to get people to remember it and therefore remember the album. 
- The information at the top of the image is too small for an individual to see just buy glancing at it. This means that the individual would need to pick it up and have a proper look at it. The band probably wanted people to do this so the audience would take more notice of the album or that they would look into further detail of the text. It would help the audience connect with the band more and maybe intrigue them into listening to more or the songs. 
- The way the people are stood (assumed to be the band) shows how they don't all need to be symmetric or the same to be good at what they do. It also tells the audience that nothing is perfect and that change and difference are good. 
- The contrast between the black background and the white picture shows originality and difference too because black is the colour of mystery and white is the colour of purity so it could imply that some of the songs are a mystery and others are pure and fancy. it could also show how some might be quieter like white and acoustic or some could be heavy bass music like the colour black is seen to be heavy.

The Main/Front cover:
- There is a different amount of colours in the image which suggests the music inside the record is going to all be different and also out of the ordinary.
- The two people walking away from the camera and towards each other can foreshadow the amount of fights the band would have. It also shows the amount of people who have left and joined the band.
- The logo on the bottom and the title at the top are both iconic in be longing to the band. The logo is iconic because it names the band and the main title is iconic because it was the bands first successful album which led to their fame. 
- The fact that they can show off their own logo and not be afraid that they are going to get robbed of their name or become victims of fraud shows how they know that they are popular.  
- This album is their most successful album of all, so having their logo in the bottom just emphasises to the audience that they know their fame and that they know how much them, their songs and their band is worth. Having the logo and the font only increases their market and audience further which makes them even more famous.
- The two individuals faces on the album are blanked off which implies that they weren't important. It might also foreshadow the fall out of the two brothers and the amount of members that left the band. This is shown through the person walking away from the camera. It also means that the audience can't put names to the faces, even though they can assume, because the band was always changing. 

The Second side:
- This page shows 4 images which can be interpreted as the audience sees the band in 4 different ways. The first way is the fact that they are arrogant and they are full of themselves. The second way is they care about their reputation and put the band first before their personal issues. The third way is they care about their audience and what they think of them. And the final way is they are relatable because they started out from nothing. 
- The first of the four images had a natural pose. It makes the audience look like part of the tv and as if they are part of the video or album. This can make the audience feel like they are part of the band and like they are associated and has a connection between them and the songs. This can make the audience want to by more of their albums. 
- The second image is set as is it behind the scenes as one of the music videos. The colours in the image are greys and dull colours which could imply that the band were going through some tough times when the album was being filmed. It also shows that because it is filmed as it was behind the scenes that they might not know what they are doing properly. This is because their facial expressions imply that they are confused about what is going on or that they are not sure on how to film their videos. 
- The third image is bright and the colours contrast with the previous image because in that image the colour-psychology is dull and depressing and in this image it is bright and joyful implying that they band members figured out how they want to film. It could also foreshadow how the band got on for a period of time. This is because the  the sun is shining directly on one of the band members which can be a metaphor for things getting better between the band just like the light gets brighter. 
-The final photo is the darkest out of the four. This can show the downfall of the group towards the end and it can also show the arguments that came between the band and the brothers towards the end of Oasis. It also shows how even though the band had their light moments, in the end most of what happened between the band was kept in the dark and it ended up breaking them apart. Another thing it shows is that although the camera is pointing at something, things about the band can still be fake and not what it seems. This can make the audience more aware of what the media can influence and especially on celebrities and music. 
- Overall the pictures in order show the story of the band. It starts off as being murky and confusing because they were new to fame. Then it switches to the darker moments when people joined and left. Then it became light again because people knew who they were and they became more famous and found who they were. Then finally they hit a low point and the band breaks up which is what the final photo shows. 

The Third side:
- This picture is of the two brothers and it differentiates between the rest of the photos because it isn't just the band. 
- Both brothers are facing away from each other which shows their quarrels and their arguments they have had both in the past and for the years to come. This tells the audience that even though the brothers are in the same band it doesn't mean they were friends or close. 
- They also blend into the background because their shirts are white and so is the background. The colour white symbolises purity and peace which contrasts with the brothers fall outs and the ways they behaved around each other and the band. This might be them trying to hide and try and influence the audience to think that they are perfect and that they are just the same as everyone else, even though they are not as pure and people think they are.
- One of the brothers is looking directly into the camera which can make the audience feel uncomfortable or worried. This could imply that he feels uncomfortable in the band and that he might be planning on leaving soon or doesn't want to be there. 
- The other brother is gazing down which could show that they might have fallen out right before this was taken or that they have disagreed about the photo being taken the way it was. It could also imply that he feels like there is something more interesting than the band in his life at that time just like there was something more interesting going on that had his attention when the photo was taken. 
- The positioning of the brothers makes it seem like one is more important than the other. This is because one of the brothers is closer to the camera which makes the focus immediately drawn to them first. This can place the person who is further a way in a more negative situation because it can come across to the audience that they are less important and that they audience shouldn't pay so much attention on them. 

The Fourth Side:
- The title is outstanding and draws the audience to it before they see the picture. This can be good because it shows the main song of the album and it also makes more profit in because people remember the title and the song. 
- However the font sizes are smaller as the text gets into more detail, which can be more incising for the reader because they will want to know what it says, it could also imply that the more that people look into the band, the more that they will see and that they need to look closer at things rather than just brush past them. 
- The picture is different to the other images because it is in black and white and it also has them all together. This can tell the audience that they don't need to be the same as everyone else. It also implies that their music is different form everyone else and all the other artists which makes it more special.
- In every photo they are somewhere different which can suggest that the band don't like to do the same things twice for example take the same photos in the same places or create the same type of song. This can tell the audience that their songs are all going to be different and that there is something for everyone in their album. 
- Because the photo is in black and white it takes the attention away from the colours and instead puts the focus on the band and the music. If the focus was on the colours rather than on the people then it wouldn't stand out compared to other records. It would also make the audience less likely to remember the band or the album because it doesn't stand out to them. 
- The people on wall can symbolise being on a podium and the circles can symbolise the other bands and artists below them. This can show that the band knows they are famous and popular and that they think they are better than everyone else. It could show the audience that they self confidence might be true to them, which means they think they are better because they are better than everyone else. 

The Back Cover:
- There is only one person walking on their own which can predict the break up of the band. It could also show how some members of the band wanted to go their own ways in the end. 
- The writing is discrete at the top which can make people feel proud that they found it and it also gives a little more information and context about what is in the record and the album. 
- The most common colour in this picture is blue which can imply sadness and fantasy. This can make the album seem like its from  a different world and also like at some point it goes back in time. This is because Oasis is considered an old band or vintage, which can be surprising because the band don't act like they are older than other artists. 
- The person is walking away from the camera which could also foreshadow the end of the band and the amount of members that left. It might also make the reader feel lonely just like the person in the picture. It also might make the audience feel connected to the band more if they are already feeling alone because they are feeling alone just like the person in the picture. 
- The street behind is blurred which could show how no one knows what could happen next and not even the band. This creates a sense of mystery and curious for both the band and the audience because no one knows what is going to happen in the future. 
- The barcode is also featured on this record which means the band thought that people would like it, it also adds to the confidence that the band show of themselves. It makes them seem powerful and tells the audience that they are confident within themselves and they believe in themselves. 

Hello, my name Is Lily Pringle. I am a Year 12 student at Thirsk School and Sixth form collage and I’m studying Media for my A-levels. My blogs will include my interests, the school magazine and any course work I think is important. I aim for my blogs to be educational but also a way of showing my opinion in what I like.
