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Hello, my name Is Lily Pringle. I am a Year 12 student at Thirsk School and Sixth form college and I’m studying Media for my A-levels. My blogs will include my interests, the school magazine and any course work I think is important. I aim for my blogs to be educational but also a way of showing my opinion in what I like.

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The photos

The photos:
I have chosen this photo because it is different from other magazines. The angle of the camera reflects the confusion the audience might be feeling because of all the different directions the band members are looking. The photo is in black and white to highlight the dimensions and the perfections of the instruments and the people. For example the sunglasses look darker and the guitar and the keyboard look lighter because of the black and white effect. This draws more attention to the band members and the instruments more than the background. The background isn't very exciting and so by having more focus on the band it takes the focus away from the background. It also shows how that just because the background isn't very exciting it still means that the band members and the photos can look professional. The drums are in the centre because if they were more to one side then the photo would look uneven and unproportionate. This could make the audience feel uncomfortable or put off because the photo wouldn't look quite right. The black and white might make the audience intrigued because they could want to know what it would look like in colour. It doesn't look like they were playing when the photo was taken, instead it looks like the band new the photo was going to be taken and posed for the picture. You can tell because some of them have their heads down and others aren't looking at their instruments so it is obvious that they are not playing. This could show the audience that not only can they play well, but the can look good too and the fact that everyone needs a break from time to time. I have decided to include this picture as a main image in my magazine because I think the black and white will entice the audience and make them intrigued to know what the colours of the magazine and also to see more of the band and what music they might produce. 

I chose this photo because it only shows a few of the band members. I think this would connect the audience with the band members better if there were only a few at the time. This photo was taken when they were in the middle of playing which clashes with the previous picture because in that they are posing. This picture shows the details in the bands colours like their hair colour and the colours of the instruments too. In the corners of the lenses there is a shadow that I included because It draws less to the corners and more attention to the band members. The audience also can't see the floor in this picture which is different from the other image and it puts more attention onto the band members. The ginger of Oliver's hair contrasts with the black which gives an effect of magic. This is because black and orange are colours that are commonly used with Halloween so it adds some mystery to the band and some questions like "what style are they? and what do they sound like?". This would intrigue the audience further and make it so they want to learn more about the band and maybe even their history. The camera angle I chose to take the photo at was slightly of centred and at an awkward angle. This was so it had the effect like they couldn't see me and that they didn't know I was there. I think this effect work because all of the members are looking past the camera instead of looking into the camera which can show the reader that they are looking behind them instead of at them. This might make the reader want to find out more and would encourage them to read the magazine. The drums and the board behind them are the same colour which can give the audience a hint of what the colour scheme is going to be. There is also a dark tone put onto the photo to make it more dramatic and more eye catching for the audience. 

I have decided to choose this photo because it shows the band from yet another angle. This looks like it was being taken when another thing was being taken. This is because they are all looking into another place like it was a camera. It also puts the focus on the other end of the band, for example Toby with the piano, in the previous photo there was only focus on the 3 people in the middle. By putting Toby further away from the camera it puts more attention onto him because the audience can see all of him instead of a close up of him. If it was a close up then it would be harder to see and therefore the audience might get bored. There is no filter on this one to show how real the picture is and the fact that it is not edited. The clothes that they are wearing look old school and outdated. This gives an effect of time travel because they are all dressed like they are from the 60s with their hates and suits. This can create questions for the reader like "why are they there? and are they trying to send a message? and if so what message is it?". It can also make the reader want to look further into the bands history and find out how they started and what inspired them to do this. The reason they are wearing hats and sun glasses is to make them appear more mysterious and more in the shadows because many of their identities are covered up. The room they are standing in looks more like a classroom than a music studio or somewhere exciting which implies that the band don't think that you need to have a fancy background to be successful or to be exciting. This can encourage the audience and show them that they don't need to be rich or have fancy photos to start a band and be successful. 

This is a photo taken from the other angle. This is a photo to put the focus on Charlie and Takuma on the other side of the band. In this picture, the band are clearly playing which can show the natural beauty of the band. It also shows the way they play and how it can effect how they look when they are playing. In the background there are noticeable things like chairs and tables which quite obviously signify and show that where they are playing at is a class room. This can show the audience and the reader that they are not afraid to play in unusual areas and places that people wouldn't expect a rock band to play in. The keyboard that Toby is holding is made to go on  a stand so by him being able to play standing up and holding it not only shows that the band has talent but it also shows that they are unusual and don't do thing how ordinary people would do them. They are standing in a line to make the band look bigger and stronger than they already are. This can suggest that it they have power but instead of using it in a bad they, they intend to use it in a  good way in order to please the audience and give them what they want. 

Some other noticeable photos I will be including and why:

This picture was important for me to include because it shows that the band is in unity and that they are all there for each other. This is important because it shows the reader and the audience that they are willing to be the same and stand up for each other. It also gives the audience hope because if the band are good people then they can entertain them and produce good music for them too. I also want to include a picture of each person in the band so I can go into detail about them and so the audience can connect with the band even further. 

Hello, my name Is Lily Pringle. I am a Year 12 student at Thirsk School and Sixth form collage and I’m studying Media for my A-levels. My blogs will include my interests, the school magazine and any course work I think is important. I aim for my blogs to be educational but also a way of showing my opinion in what I like.
