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Hello, my name Is Lily Pringle. I am a Year 12 student at Thirsk School and Sixth form college and I’m studying Media for my A-levels. My blogs will include my interests, the school magazine and any course work I think is important. I aim for my blogs to be educational but also a way of showing my opinion in what I like.

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The risk assessment and plan for my magazine.

The Theme:
The theme for my magazine is going to be Child safety on the internet. This is because on the internet children can socialise with who they want to which can be dangerous. On the internet people can create their own accounts which can be a vessel for groomers to thrive. For example, snapchat. This is a social media platform where people can talk to anyone and send photos to anyone they like. people can also create their own people and account to describe who they want to be for example, name, age and what they look like. this can be dangerous for children and young people because they don't know who their age is and who is pretending. This magazine is aimed to create and spread awareness on how to make sure that their account is protected and to show that they might not know people for who they really are. 

The Plan for the Front Cover:
The original plan was to have the front cover as two girls taking a selfie, but I thought that it didn't hook people instantly and I wanted something that incised people instantly. So, I decided to have the front cover as someone with a hood in a dark room who is on a computer. This would also match the title and incise the reader even more. Inside of the magazine, on the contents page there will be ideas on how to keep safe and how to protect accounts on social media. There will also be descriptions of potential dangers and what to do if individuals think someone is faking being a child or lying about their age. There will be definitions and warnings of grooming and what to do about them. 

The Data:
The data that I collected from the questionnaire will also be included in the rest of the magazine, it will not be included in the front cover and contents page because it might draw less attention to the main focus. The things that will be mainly included at the back of the magazine are clubs, things about teachers and a game like a word search. However, because the magazine is for all ages from years 7-13 it can't be too graphic, just in case it scares the younger generation. 

The Descriptions: 
For the first text box the description will be about how dangerous the black market and the dark web can be. This will give people tips on how to avoid things like these and how to report and who to go to if they discover these types of things. This box will have to be small and not graphic because of the younger people reading it but it will need to contain all the useful information that they need to know. The second text box will be a wider textbox on how to keep safe and not speak to people that are unknown to you. It will also be about what to do if people start having inappropriate conversations and grooming. Just like the other ones this textbox will also have to be suitable for the younger generation, so they don't get disturbed. The final textbox will be about digital footprints and where photos on social media go even when they have been deleted or taken down. This is to benefit people who don't know about the safety on the internet and who post regularly and don't think about safety. 

The Fonts:
The fonts I will be using on the main title is the font of "Verdana" because it is eye catching and it will fit will the theme of being unsettling. The rest of the fonts for the front cover and contents I will use the font "times" because it is simple and easy to read. It is important that the texts are easy to read because the individual is more likely to remember and take into account the information. 

My main title is going to be called "internet safely" because it gets straight to the point and will already warn the reader about what this magazine is going to be about in case it offends them or upsets them. It is a long stretch across the page to make it eye catching and it could also be drawing to the reader. By them reading this it would make them more aware to the dangers on social media. The first subtitle is going to be called "safety on accounts". This will tell people about how they can create their account to be safe and how they can make sure only people they know can see what they post. Even if they don't use the information, they can still pass it on to the generation below them. The second subtitle is going to be "online grooming". This is going to be about what people can do to prevent grooming and also see as warning signs as grooming. It will help people see the warnings and also tell people who to talk to about it. The final subtitle is going to be "digital footprints" and will be about how even if thing get deleted, they are still somewhere on the internet and people can always get a hold of them. This will teach people why they should be careful of what the post. 

The First/Main Photo:
I chose this photo because I needed something that would incise the reader and explain what the whole magazine is about. This is why I decided to make it the front cover. I chose to take a photo of a person in a dark room staring a computer wearing a hood. Their face will not be in the camera, and they are going to be unrecognisable so it can create more mystery. It is placed like you would see on a film or movie which will hopefully make it less scary but still alarming, so it shows the point I'm trying to make. I took this photo on a phone camera instead of a proper Canon EOS camera. If I took this on an EOS camera, then the quality would be better, and it would be more professional. Next time I create a magazine and take photos I will be sure to take them on a proper camera. This is how the photo came out. I am happy with the result I got because it was how I envisioned it to be, and it also reminds me on how the films present people like these. If I was to change anything on these photos, then I would use a proper camera and make the details on the computer better. 

The Second Photo:
The second photo I have taken is of the two girls taking a selfie together. I got permission off both people to show their faces in the photo in case they didn't want to be in it. This photo represents that it can be anyone who has troubles with people on the internet and it doesn't just have to be young people or quiet people. It shows that people can be vulnerable no matter what age or how confident they are. This image was also taken on a phone instead of a camera. One thing I would improve on this photo is the background to be outside and to be taken with a camera. I would prefer it to be outside because it would show that it can also happen anywhere, and it doesn't just have to be at people's houses or at schools. I am happy with how this photo turned out though because I got the message I wanted to get across into a photo and it is presented how I wanted it to be presented.  

The Third/Final Photo:
The final photo I have taken is of a phone screen, but the messages are blurred out. This is for the privacy of the persons phone it is but also because it shows that it doesn't matter what messages people have between people they don't know and themselves. If they don't know the person, then it could be dangerous. I got permission from the persons whose phone I took a picture of because it is important that as well as spreading a message of internet safety It is also important to respect people privacy. If I could change something about the photo, I would use actually use someone's messages. The reason I didn't this time was because the person didn't want me to, and I respected that. I am happy with how the photo came out because it represents how I want it to, and it fits with the theme of my magazine as well. 

My Risk Assessment:

The first photo:
Something that could have gone wrong was getting hit by the cupboard door or because it was dark, we couldn't see. This meant that we could have knocked things over or fallen into things and got hurt. To prevent this, we made sure that we left the door open slightly so there was still a good amount of darkness in the room so we could film but there was enough light in the room so we could actually see and not fall over. The second thing that I had to take into account was we had a computer and there was a risk something might fall onto it and break it, that could have been one of use or something from one of the shelves. This meant we had to be extra careful with what we were moving into and to avoid something from falling into it we cleared space around it so nothing could fall into it and potentially break it. A third thing that I had to make sure that the persons face wasn't in it. This was because they didn't want their face showing but were happy to have the back of their head showing. I did this by making sure the computer wasn't reflecting an image of their face or showing a picture. I also made sure that their hood was up so it wouldn't show their side profile or their ears. 

The second photo:
For the second photo I first got permission from both of the girls to have their faces in shot and for them to be ok with being in my magazine. If they said they weren't ok with that then I wouldn't have put them on the cover page or in the magazine at all. I had to make sure that no one else was in the background who didn't want to be in the magazine. If I did capture anyone in the background, then I would retake the photo or move to where no one was so that there wasn't anyone in the background. I also had to make sure none of the school logos were recognisable in case anyone was to go looking for the school or the students. To make sure this didn't happen I made the two girls remove their land yards which had the school logo on and any person who was in the background who had the school logo on their clothing. I also had to make sure that none of the background was recognisable or had names on so no one could track the names, or any work was shown that the pupils didn't want to show. 

The third photo:
This was a difficult photo to take because I had to make sure that the individual was ok with me using her messages and with showing her phone. I asked if I could photograph one of her messages in her notes, she did say I could but only if I would block out the messages and delete the messages after. I also agreed with her that I wouldn't use the photo for anything else because it was her private messages, and I would let her hold the phone so she could keep it. I also had to make sure that I didn't drop anything onto the phone that would damage it and smash it. To prevent this, I made sure that the photo was taken away from any of the shelves in the classroom and away from any bags or things that could fall onto the phone. I also made sure the camera and photo were away from anyone else's phones so that the photo wouldn't pick up any other private messages. If I did get anyone else's phones in shot, then I would have changed spaces and deleted the photo immediately. 

Hello, my name Is Lily Pringle. I am a Year 12 student at Thirsk School and Sixth form collage and I’m studying Media for my A-levels. My blogs will include my interests, the school magazine and any course work I think is important. I aim for my blogs to be educational but also a way of showing my opinion in what I like.
